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Cloud Matters: Got Cloud, Will Travel

This is the fourth in a series of articles based on the popular Cloud Matters lecture series I’ve been giving to executives and their top staff at global Fortune 100, 500 and 1000 companies since 2012. These articles are for working pros at all levels and are delivered without icing and sprinkles. 

Cloud Matters lunches happen, so do Cloud Matters lectures. Before a lunch or lecture with management and their teams, someone usually introduces me to everyone. I’ve only been introduced one time as “that guy that wrote all them books that are sitting on your desks,” but I kind of liked it. Much better than the usual about how I was Microsoft’s top author for nearly twenty years, wrote a hundred plus authoritative books, or how I’m one of the world’s leading authorities on Microsoft enterprise and cloud technologies.

The numbers aren’t why I write or lecture, but people really seems to like the numbers.

Ten million "William Stanek" readers. Check.

Twenty years of "William Stanek" books. Check.

$100 million in top-line sales for my Microsoft books. Check.

It’s important to realize that I don’t write the hyperbole. Those are all things the marketers, publishers, press etc wrote about me—and none of it is why I do what I do. I do what I do because I love sharing what I know and helping others succeed. If I can enhance careers and save companies money while I’m doing it, even better.

At the end of the day, what Cloud Matters is all about depends on the needs of the company and their teams. For $XYZ an hour plus expenses some expect earth-shattering revelations and may not even realize until they send the inevitable “Thank You” note how valuable the advice offered was or how much money they saved by getting an additional opinion before committing to this or that cloud project.

Sure, there are plenty of management consulting companies in the cloud space but they’re not necessarily independent authorities, and they’re not necessarily selling the cow, the milk and the farm at the same time. The truly shrewd ones though they recognize the value of independent opinion, independent review, independent oversight and everything else Cloud Matters offers. They’re the ones filling my calendar.

So where is Cloud Matters going this year? This year it’s going to Japan, China, Korea, France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Great Britain, Scotland, Canada, and around the USA. If your company is in any of these locations and wants a Cloud Matters lunch or lecture, now’s the time.

This is cloud matters, part 4. If this strikes a chord with you, I hope you’ll follow, share and sign your company up for Cloud Matters.

Thanks for reading,

William Robert Stanek

williamstanek at


AND YES, I WOULD rather be home writing than lecturing. Help me stay home and write by supporting my books. My upcoming books include:



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